
Saturday, 21 December 2013

Friday, 20 December 2013

Christmas presents

I've nearly finished my Christmas shopping - thanks Amazon. But there are some gifts people need that don't cost money, but they still come at a price - oneself. Things that come from the heart, a smile, a hug, forgiveness, saying sorry, hope love...

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

The Black Dog

Was it Churchill who called his depression the black dog so that it helped him feel it was not part of him? Anyway I saw this animation floating around Facebook and thought it was quite clever. Somethings are hard to put words to.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Being intentional

Been thinking lots lately about friends - with Facebook there is opportunity to relate to so many people its crazy. Being a people person I could get caught up in happenings of so many events of people's lives I could spread.myself to thinly and not be a good friend to anyone. Scientist say we are only capable of taking an interest in 150 people ... Interesting.

I've been giving prayerful thought lately to who really matters in my life, who does God want me to love. I mean 'intentional' love.

My next thinking is, how can I make sure each one knows they are special to me. 
Different friends respond to different gestures (have you ever read 'the five languages of love'?) it's a challenge but joyful one, not a chore.